Achieve your goals with us!

Cove Street Consulting combines key expertise along with critical relationships needed for clients to achieve their goals.


Katie BurnsCove Street has a proven track record in the legislative, public policy and regulatory space. We work hard on behalf of our clients by outlining and executing a strategic plan insuring the highest level of success. Cove Street Consulting currently represents a wide range of industries and interests. Client list available upon request.

Cove Street Consulting services include:

  • Lobbying
  • Policy Analysis
  • Association Work
  • Regulatory Consulting
  • Procurement
  • Crisis Management
  • Advisory Boards
  • Grassroots


Cove Street has a reputation as a premier government affairs consulting firm, providing unparalleled advocacy. By identifying a client's governmental and business goals, we develop and implement a strategy specific to each client we represent.


Messaging plays a critical role in providing successful outcomes. Cove Street constructs messaging focussed on targeted communication that educates stakeholders and promotes a positive outcome for our clients. Your messaging efforts can often be the difference between success and failure at the Capitol.

Procurement lobbying


Understanding how to get things done around the Capitol is half the battle to effective public policy advocacy. Let us be your guide to walk you through the legislative process planning , and passing legislation, or sometimes even more importantly, defeating a bill.